Thursday, April 30, 2009

Feeding the Ram

One of our week-end activities..feeding the ram on this small farm called "ferme de piqueur"

Coteaux de Tricastin Rose


Beaujolais Rose 2003

Curieux, un peu de caractere...
non indispensable

un bon muscadet

Une medaille justifiée . trés agréable.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Rabbit(Lapin) with Madeira in Tomato Sauce

My husband used to call me “Mon Petit Lapin” meaning “My Little Rabbit”.

I learned this recipe from him (originally from his mother) but he let me experiment in our kitchen so here’s my version:


1 whole rabbit, cut into desired size. 2 to 3 large white onions(chopped) 1 large tomato 1/2 cup each- red pepper/green pepper(capsicum),  1 medium carrot(sliced or diced) ½ cup tomato sauce 1 cup mushrooms of your choice(button, shiitake, maitake etc.) ½ cup green whole olives(preferably not pitted) 3 tbsp. madeira wine 2 bay leaves salt and pepper 2 to 3 Tbsp. Extra Virgin Olive oil


Cut the whole rabbit into pieces(desired size). Wash then rinse and place in a casserole, cover and start boiling with ¼ cup of water. Then after few minutes(5 minutes) take out 90% broth leaving only a few drops of broth and stir fry(without oil) with garlic, onions for 3 minutes then add tomato, continue stir frying for 2 minutes then add mushrooms, carrots, tomato sauce, bay leaves. Let simmer for 30 minutes then add green/red peppers, green olives, madeira, salt & pepper and continue cooking for another 5 minutes. Add and stir extra virgin olive oil after cooking.

Rabbit is like a pet to most of us but the meat of the rabbit is good for our health not too much fat though. A good source of income or food supply for us also if you wish to raise rabbits in your own backyard. Maybe you can seldom find some vendors in the market or groceries selling rabbit in the Philippines. My brother found a seller of rabbits in our area. Anyone who has info. where can we purchase rabbits please let us know..thanks..