Friday, January 27, 2023



A gateau chocolat a partir de Pannetone.....making chocolate cake using  Pannetone   with ganache(chocolate/cream)....

Mendiants au Chocolat


melted(au bain marie:  add water to a saucepan and place a glass/stainless steel  bowl on top making sure it is smaller than the saucepan so it is resting on the edges of the the pan and the bowl should not be touching the water. heat the water then put the chopped chocolate bar in the bowl stir often until completely melted)Dark Chocolate 65%  100 grams, add  10 to 20 grams of cacao powder, nuts and raisins/gojiberries....

another version:  add almond powder and roasted nuts (hazelnuts/pecan nuts.pistachio)into melted chocolate  .nutty sweets..voila