Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Friday, February 03, 2023

Oatmeal breakfast to reduce insulin spike


... 40 grams of rolled oats(not instant) ..add 15 grams of oat bran  and  boiled water....

add nuts, banana, unsweetened  cacao powder(optional)...

do not pour too much boiled water... just enough to cover the rolled oats and oat bran..not too liquid  to avoid glucose..

...overnight oats recipe next  summer...

"We're eating rolled oats(not instant) every morning..30-40 grams of rolled oats ..add 10-15 grams of oat bran, add nuts, banana, unsweetened cacao powder(optional)do not pour too much boiled water... just enough to cover the rolled oats and oat bran..not too liquid to avoid glucose. The key point is avoid boiling the rolled oats. Actually above 65°c the starch starts "to leak" making it more digestible, hence a quicker and higher glycemic load. The insulinemic response being mainly driven by the glucose, no peak of sugar =no peak of insulin. In the literature, the GI of large oats flakes is given for around 50 but is more than 60 for thin flakes. Boiled for 8 minutes it can reach more than 70. Take note that the flakes(rolled oats) are already pre cooked, it is not like eating raw oats. Overnight rolled oats during summer. We buy organic(avoid glyphosate) rolled oats here in France. 14 hour Intermittent fasting is enough for us but we never skip breakfast."