Saturday, January 06, 2007

Spaghetti Tuna

Spaghetti Tuna with Tomatoes and Garlic

I found a spaghetti tuna from one of my recipe books but my husband did not like the other ingredients so I ended up creating my own version.
Luckily the place where we lived before, there was an abundance of fresh tuna.

200 grams - Spaghetti
1 1/2 cups cherry tomatoes(cut half)
500 grams fresh tuna (canned tuna- drained is fine)
6 to 8 cloves of garlic (thinly diced)
salt and pepper
parmesan cheese(grated) or gruyere or you can have any cheese of your choice.
If fresh tuna(fillet), wash then rise, place in a pan, add garlic salt & pepper, pour a spoon of water then cover for about 4 minutes medium heat/fire. Uncover then with the use of two forks try to make the tuna in flakes. Stir fry(without oil) until the tuna flakes become a bit dry and garlic is almost cooked. Then add cherry tomatoes stir fry for 1 minute then turn off the heat, add olive oil and add more salt & pepper to your taste. You can add chili powder if you want or add it later in your plate.
Serve this with grated parmesan cheese or gruyere on top of spaghetti noodles(must be al dente!).

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