Friday, December 25, 2020

Christmas 2020


ooops...par Pierre HermΓ©  ...excusez moi. failed :  macaron  (run out of eggs πŸ˜…)  and cold ganache! but still delicious!πŸ˜‹

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Tomate Farcie au steak hachet (Ground beef Stuffed Tomato)

Ingredients: ground beef, large  tomato, onions, garlic,  bread crumbs,  milk,  shredded parmesan cheese, thyme, olive oil, salt &pepper 

- wash the tomato(the tomato above is called "coeur de boeuf"  Both in Italy, first, and France, later, a variety of beefsteak tomato is produced which looks like a beef heart in shape, as it is pointing down source: Wikipedia (beef tomato in English/ beefsteak tomato in American Englsih) and it is a  very large heirloom variety of tomatoes from France), cut hat(top) of the tomato, carve the inside (taking the flesh out with the spoon) then set aside

- pour the milk over  bread crumbs then set aside

- chop garlic , onions , tomato flesh  

- stir fry the ground beef  for  few minutes and add  the chopped garlic, onions and tomato flesh add thyme, salt and pepper.

- pre-heat the oven  to 180 degree Celsius

- in a bowl combine  the milk soaked bread crumbs ,  cooked ground beef  with garlic onions and tomato flesh 

- in a baking tray place the bottom part of the   tomato, spoon the stuffing into hallowed tomato,  sprinkle grated parmesan cheese on top and place the hat back on top then bake for 1 hour and half. Dizzle olive oil on top and serve with  rice. 


Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Hachis Parmentier(Shepherd's pie)


Hachis parmentier : mashed potatoes/carrots(butter, fresh cream, salt and pepper) ,  stir fried ground beef, shallots, garlic, red wine, worcestershire  sauce , thyme, salt and pepper  with potato fries as garnish. 

Delicious dishes: Adobong pusit(Squid Adobo), Baked Salmon with honey mustard, Honey mustard chicken wings and Bokchoy in oyster sauce.

 prepared by my Sister πŸ˜‹

Friday, September 18, 2020

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Couronne Tradition


       Farine de Seigle 200 g.

      Farine T65  300g.


Sunday, August 30, 2020

Rice Salad


tuna,  boiled eggs, steamed beet root, basmati rice, blanched tomatoes, radish, garlic, onions, broccoli sprouts , salt, pepper, olive oil, vinegar/lemon and  espelette or chili powder. 

can add: green salad, cucumber, anchovies and french beans 

Angus Beef Burger

 prepared by my sister πŸ˜‹

Tuesday, August 04, 2020

Baguette Tradition

Ingredients:  - 350 grams  water                              - 500 grams Flour T65
                     - 2 grams fresh yeast                           - 11 grams salt 
                     - 75 grams levain(sourdough starter) 

1. Mix 350 grams water and 2 grams of levure (fresh yeast) and set aside.

 2. Mix 500 grams Flour T65 and 11 grams salt then add levain 75 grams then mix#1(water/fresh yeast mixture) let the dough rest for 15 minutes 3. slap and fold the dough several times


 then rest for 24h(chill in the refrigerator )

take the dough out of the refrigerator..

then prepare the oven put water in the bowl  set at 250 degrees Celsius.... 

when it reaches 200 degrees put the baking tray... 


prepare your working surface:



cover....30 minutes....

 transfer to the baking tray(be careful the tray is hot....

then score.... 

  and bake....250 Degree Celsius for 15  - 20 minutes.